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2016.9.1 – 2019.6.1,   苏州大学云app登录入口,开云(中国),   材料物理,    硕士研究生

2019.9.1 – 2022.6.1,   苏州大学云app登录入口,开云(中国),  等离子体物理, 博士研究生


2022.8.1 – 至今,      苏州大学云app登录入口,开云(中国), 等离子体物理, 博士后



1.D. Huang, M. Baggioli*, S. Lu, Z. Ma, and Yan Feng*, Revealing the supercritical dynamics of dusty plasmas and their liquidlike to gaslike dynamical crossover, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, Vol. 5, 013149 (2023).

2.D. Huang, S. Lu, M. S. Murillo, and Yan Feng*, Origin of viscosity at individual particle level in Yukawa liquids, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, Vol. 4, 033064 (2022).

3.D. Huang, S. Lu, X. Shi, J. Goree, and Y. Feng, Fluctuation theorem convergence in a viscoelastic medium demonstrated experimentally using a dusty plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 104, 035207 (2021).

4. D. Huang, S. Lu, and Y. Feng, Determination of viscosity in shear-induced melting two-dimensional dusty plasmas using Green-Kubo relation, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 103, 013211 (2021).

5. D. Huang, S. Lu, and Y. Feng, Reply to Comment on 'Shear modulus of two-dimensional Yukawa or dusty-plasma solids obtained from the viscoelasticity in the liquid state' , PHYSICAL REVIEW E 101, 057202 (2020).

6. D. Huang, W. Li, W. Lin, and Y. Feng, Specific heat and Gruneisen parameter for 2D liquid dusty plasmas, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 24, 093707 (2017).

7. N. Yu, D. Huang*, S. Lu, S. Khrapak, and Yan Feng*, Universal scaling of transverse sound speed and its isomorphic property in Yukawa fluids, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 109, 035202 (2024).

8. Y. Feng, D. Huang, and W. Li, Adiabatic bulk modulus of elasticity for 2D liquid dusty plasmas (invited paper), PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 25, 057301 (2018)
